B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Controlling Access to Resources | Controlling Access to Resources by Port | Restricting IP Addresses that Can Connect to a Port | If You Inadvertently Deny IP Access to All Hosts
If You Inadvertently Deny IP Access to All Hosts
Resetting the Global Setting IP Access Setting
Resetting the IP Access Setting for an Individual Port
If you change one or more ports to the Deny by Default setting, it is possible that you will prevent all hosts from gaining access to server ports.
Example 1: There are 5 ports defined. The ports are configured to use the global IP access setting and do not have allow lists for specific hosts. If you change the global IP access setting to Deny By Default, Integration Server will not allow any hosts through any ports.
Example 2: Two ports, 5555 and 7667, are defined. IP access for each port is handled by the individual port. Neither port has an allow list. If you change port 5555 to Deny by Default, then change 7667 to Deny by Default, then Integration Server will not allow hosts to connect through either port.
Use the following procedures to correct these problems.

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