B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Integration Server Administrator's Guide | Configuring Ehcache on Integration Server | Working with Caches | Enabling a Cache
Enabling a Cache
A cache becomes enabled automatically when the cache manager it belongs to is started or reloaded. “Put” and “get” operations can be performed against an enabled cache. When you enable a disabled cache, all the elements stored previously in the cache are again available (assuming the cache manager has not been initialized in the meantime).
Note: To enable a disabled cache, the cache manager must be running. You cannot enable a cache while its cache manager is shut down.
Note: You can only enable a cache that belongs to a public cache manager.
* To enable a cache
1. Open Integration Server Administrator if it is not already open.
2. In the Settings menu of the Navigation panel, click Caching.
3. Under Public Cache Managers, click the cache manager associated with the cache you want to enable.
4. Under Cache List, click the No link in the Enabled column next to the cache you want to enable.
5. When prompted to confirm that you want to enable the cache, click OK.

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