Task Status | Description |
success | If the batchProcess service successfully extracts and sorts the transactions from an EDI document, the batchProcess service sets the delivery task status to success. The transactions from the document will be included in a final batch EDI document. |
fail | If the batchProcess service cannot extract and sort the transactions from an EDI document, the batchProcess service sets the delivery task status to fail. This can occur, for example, if the document in the queue is not a properly formed EDI document. The transactions from the document will not be included in the final batch EDI document. If a task fails, you can have the batchProcess service publish an IS document to notify you of the failure. The batchProcess service publishes the document if the publishBatchFailEvent EDITPA variable is set to true. For more information, ANSI X12 and UN/EDIFACT users should see publishBatchFailEvent Variable and TRADACOMS users should see "TRADACOMS/publishBatchFailEvent EDITPA Variable" in TRADACOM Variables. The format of the IS document is defined by the wm.b2b.editn.rec:batchFailRecord IS document type. To view the format of this IS document, see the description of the wm.b2b.editn.rec:batchFailRecord IS document type in the webMethods Module for EDI Built-In Services Reference . To handle the failure, you can use Software AG Designer to create Integration Server triggers that subscribe to the published documents. For details, see the Publish-Subscribe Developer’s Guide for your release. |