B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Administrator's Guide | Configuration Properties | Miscellaneous Properties | tn.eda.events.emittableDocumentAttributeNameFilter
Determines the set of document attributes for which Trading Networks will publish the Document Attribute Added run-time event. By default, Trading Networks publishes this event when Late FA document attribute is added or updated. To enable Trading Networks to publish this event for any other document attribute apart from Late FA attribute, set this property to a fully qualified custom java class. This class should include the set of document attributes apart from Late FA attribute, that will enable Trading Networks to publish the event when the specified set of document attributes are added or updated. For example, tn.eda.events.emittableDocumentAttributeNameFilter = com.softwareag.app.tn.policies.eda.EmittableAttributeNameFilter. The EmittableAttributeNameFilter custom class will filter all the document attributes and enable Trading Networks to publish the event only for the specified document attributes.
The custom class should implement the com.softwareag.app.tn.policies.IInvoker<Boolean, String> interface, and override the invoke (final String attrname) method. The attrname parameter corresponds to the document attribute, and the output of the method is a Boolean value. If the value is true, Trading Networks will publish the event for the document attribute specified. If the value is false, Trading Networks will not publish the event for the document attribute specified.

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