B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Trading Networks Administrator's Guide | Working with Dashboards and Charts | Before You Begin
Before You Begin
To view data in the form of dashboards and charts, Trading Networks has to subscribe to the run-time events that belong to the Transaction Complete Events and the Transaction Events event groups. For more information on run-time events, see Run-Time Event Notifications.
To use the dashboards and charts, ensure the following:
*Enable the Transaction Complete Events event group to enable Trading Networks to publish the Document Processing Complete run-time event. For this, set tn.eda.events.completedTransactions event property to true.
In addition to this, to view the Success and Failure Transaction Summary chart and the Late FA (Functional Acknowledgement) Violations Summary chart, enable the Transaction Events event group to enable Trading Networks to publish all the run-time events that belong to this group. For this, set tn.eda.events.transactions event property to true.
For more information on the event properties, see Event Properties.
Note: Late FA Violations Summary chart is available only if you have installed webMethods Module for EDI. For more information on installing webMethods Module for EDI, see webMethods Module for EDI Installation and User’s Guide .
*Enable Trading Networks to subscribe to the run-time events that belong to the Transaction Complete Events and the Transaction Events event groups. To enable Trading Networks to subscribe to the events, install and configure Software AG Universal Messaging. For more information, see Installing Software AG Products.
*Set the tn.chart.fetchMaxRows property to a suitable value. By default, tn.chart.fetchMaxRows=500000. For more information on the property, see Miscellaneous Properties.

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