Unlocking Elements in Designer
You must explicitly unlock elements. Disconnecting from the server does not unlock your element(s), because locks are maintained from session to session.
When unlocking elements, keep the following points in mind:
Save changes to the elements before you attempt to unlock them.
If a Java or C service in a folder has unsaved changes, you will not be able to unlock other Java or C services within that folder. Save the changes and then unlock the services.
When you unlock an adapter notification,
Designer also unlocks its associated publishable document type. You cannot directly unlock the publishable document type associated with an adapter notification.
You cannot unlock a listener or connection element.
To unlock elements using
Designer 1. In Package Navigator view, select the elements that you want to unlock.
2. Right-click the elements and then select Unlock.
3. If the elements you want to unlock contain unsaved changes, Designer alerts you that the elements cannot be unlocked until you save the changes. Click OK to close the alert dialog box. Then, save the changes and repeat the unlock action.
4. If one of the elements you selected to unlock is a publishable document type associated with an adapter notification, and you did not also select the adapter notification, Designer alerts you that the elements cannot be unlocked. Click OK to close the alert dialog box. Then, reselect the elements (including the appropriate adapter notifications) and repeat the unlock action.
Package Navigator view refreshes and the green check mark next to the element disappears.