jcode Command | Use to... |
make makeall | Examine a package to determine the source files that have been updated since the last compilation, then compile those source files and save the resulting class files in the classes directory of the package. Use make to compile the source files in a single folder of a package. Use makeall to compile the source files in all the folders of a package. For more information, see Using jcode comp to Create Java
Source from Fragments. |
frag fragall | Split the source files in a package into fragments that the jcode utility then stores in the namespace (ns) directory of the package. As a result, when you view the service in Designer, Designer displays the code from the updated fragments. Use frag to fragment the source files in a single folder of a package. Use fragall to fragment the source files in all the folders of a package. For more information, see Using jcode comp to Create Java
Source from Fragments. |
comp | Build a composite from the code fragments defined in the namespace (ns) directory of a package to rebuild the Java source. The jcode utility saves the resulting Java source is in the source directory of the package. Note: Use this command if the Java source is lost or corrupted in some way and you need to recreate it. For more information, see Using jcode comp to Create Java
Source from Fragments. |
jcode Shortcut | Use to... |
update | Compile and fragment only source files that have changed for a single package. |
upall | Compile and fragment only source files that have changed for all Integration Server packages. |
hailmary | Compile and fragment all source files (whether they have changed or not) for all Integration Server packages. |