B2B Integration 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Service Development Help | Working with Document Types | Creating an IS Document Type | *Any Fields in Document Types and Document Fields
*Any Fields in Document Types and Document Fields
If the XML Schema definition used to create an IS document type contains a content model with an any element declaration, Integration Server represents the element type contains a content model with a field of type Object named *any. The <any> element declaration in an XML Schema definition acts as placeholder for one or more unknown elements in an instance document. In an <any> declaration, the namespace attribute value determines the namespaces to which the matching element can or cannot belong.
At run time, when Integration Server converts an XML node to a document it replaces the *any field with a field or fields for the replacement elements. Integration Server validates that the replacement element is allowed or not allowed based on the namespace attribute value specified for the <any> element.
Note: When Integration Server converts an XML node to a document (IData), Integration Server treats the matching element as if the processContents attribute for the <any> declaration was set to “skip”. A value of “skip” specifies that the replacement element must be well-formed XML but the Integration Server does not verify that the replacement element is schema-valid.

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