Hybrid Integration 10.4 | Integrating On-Premises Applications | Service Development | Working with Elements | Guidelines for Refactoring Elements
Guidelines for Refactoring Elements
You can refactor field names within Integration Server elements such as IS document types, flow services, Java services, specifications, and triggers.
When refactoring field names, ensure that you have write access to the element and its parent folder. Variables cannot be refactored through the pipeline tab or the package navigator.
Note: You cannot refactor local variables.
Consider the following when refactoring different elements:
Refactor considerations
IS Document Types
Refactor field names in a document type.
Flow services
*Refactor field names in the signature.
*Refactor variable names used for pipeline variable substitution in the following properties of flow steps:
*Label property in all the flow steps
*Scope property in all the flow steps
*Switch in the BRANCH step
*Input and output array in a LOOP step
*In a MAP step,
*Indices of link
*Copy condition properties of linked variables
*Map set and map delete
*Timeout property of the flow steps, BRANCH, INVOKE, LOOP, MAP, REPEAT, and SEQUENCE
*Count and Repeat interval properties of REPEAT step
*Failure message property of the EXIT step
Java services
Refactor field names in the signature.
Note: Refactor within Java code is not supported.
Refactor field names in the signature.
Refactor variable names used in a filter. The variable names used in a filter must be enclosed within %. If variable names are not enclosed in %, you must manually change the variable name.
*Provider Filters cannot be refactored. You must manually change Provider Filters.
*You can refactor only webMethods Messaging Triggers.
Additionally, consider the following:
*You can preview all the element types selected for refactoring except messaging triggers.
*When you refactor a variable that shares the same name and type with another variable, the preview lists both the variables. Therefore, make sure you select the right variable for refactoring, by manually inspecting the flow service.
*You must refactor a variable in the source element and not in dependent elements.
*You cannot perform a rollback of the changes after you refactor a variable. Software AG recommends that you back up your packages before performing a refactor.

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