Administering and Monitoring Business Processes 10.4 | Administering and Monitoring Business Processes | webMethods Monitor User’s Guide | Working with Process Models | About Process Model Data Logging | Configuring Logging Settings for a Process Model Version
Configuring Logging Settings for a Process Model Version
* To configure the logging settings for a process model version:
1. In My webMethods click Navigate > Applications > Administration > Business > Business Processes.
2. Find the process model version to work with and then click Edit icon Edit to open the Edit Process page.
3. In the Process Information Administration window, click the Process Settings tab, and do any or all of the following:
*Select one of the available Logging Level values, as described in About Process Model Logging Levels.
Important: A Minimum Logging Level setting is specified in Designer for each process model version. This setting in Designer controls the lowest logging level that you can set in Monitor.
*Select the Log Transitions check box if you want to log process transitions for display in the process diagram. This requires a logging level that enables you to log transitions
*Select the Diagnostic Logging check box if you want to log messages from a process instance to a separate log file for diagnostic purposes. For more information, see Enabling and Disabling Process Instance Diagnostic Logging, below.
4. Click Save.

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