Viewing Assets Owned by a User
To view assets owned by a user, you must have the Manage Organizations permission or at least the Manage Users permission in CentraSite.
Note: Users who have the Manage Organizations permission have the Manage Users permission by implication.
To view the assets owned by a user
1. In CentraSite Business UI, you can display the list of users in one of the following ways:
Using the Typeahead Search. In the Search drop-down list, click
Everything, and type the name of the user in the search text box.
As you type the partial text, CentraSite returns the list of users that meet your search text.
Using the Browse functionality. Click the
Browse link that is located in the upper-left corner of the menu bar.
i. In the Additional Search Criteria list, select Asset Types, and click Choose. This opens the Choose Asset Types dialog box.
ii. Click the chevron next to Everything option button and select the User check box and click OK.
A list of defined users for your organization is displayed in the Search Results page.
Through the Organization Details page. If you have the Manage Organizations permission, you can also use the
Organizations activity to view the list of users in an organization. Click an organization whose list of users you want to view, and then select the
Users profile in the
Organization Details page.
A list of defined users for that particular organization is displayed.
2. Click a user whose assets you want to view.
3. In the User Details page, click the Assets profile.
This displays the assets owned by the particular user.