Modifying the Advanced Attributes of an API
You can modify the advanced attributes of an API using the Advanced edit option.
To modify advanced attributes using Advanced edit
1. Log in to API Portal.
2. Click API Gallery.
3. Click View details for an API.
4. In the API Details page, click Edit.
The Advanced edit option appears in the What's Next? section.
5. Click Advanced edit.
6. In the Advanced API editing dialog box you can modify any or all the following:
(API icon). Click
Browse..., select the required icon, click
Open, and click
Note: Supported filed types are JPG, JPEG, GIF, SVG, and PNG and maximum image size is 1MB.
(API documents). Click
Add, select the required documents, and click
Note: Supported files types are PDF, DOC, ZIP, JPG, JPEG, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, PNG, PPT, and PPTX and maximum file size is 2 MB. The supported file type and maximum size parameters are configurable in the Configuration Settings page.
If you want to delete the existing document you can click the delete icon for the corresponding API document listed.
API category. Provide the
Business term,
Maturity state, and
API group as required and click