Restoring Tenant-specific Data
The user must be a member of the API Administrator user group.
Note: Restoring overwrites the existing content in your API Portal instance. Only the user metadata is merged.
When you restore tenant-specific data, the data that is restored depends on the data that is contained in the backup file and the types (all data, API Portal objects, Collaboration data or API analytics) you select.
To restore tenant-specific data
1. Start the API Portal Cloud Controller (ACC).
2. Run the following command to back up the tenant-specific data:
restore tenant tenant-name for type1, type2 from backup file location path
Note: Select the following types depending on the data to be restored:
ABS, ADS, UMC to back up API Portal objects data.
ECP to back up collaboration data.
APIPORTAL to back up the lifecycle events and run-time analytics data.
For example, if you want to restore only the collaboration and API Portal analytics data from the backed up file, mybackup.acb located in the C drive, on to the default tenant, the command format would be:
restore tenant default for ECP, APIPORTAL from c:\mybackup.acb