Publishing a Single API to API Portal
You must have the Publish to API Portal functional privilege assigned to perform this task.
To publish an API to API Portal
1. Click APIs in the title navigation bar.
A list of all APIs appears.
2. Click the Publish icon for the API that you want to publish.
3. Select the API endpoints that need to be visible to the consumers.
At least one endpoint should be selected before publishing the API.
4. Select the API type if you want to publish a REST-enabled SOAP API.
When the REST transformation is enabled for a SOAP API in API Gateway, you can publish the REST-enabled SOAP API to API Portal in one of the following ways:
Publish as REST: Default. The API is published as a REST API to
API Portal. The REST resources and methods which correspond to the transformed SOAP operations are also published to
API Portal.
Publish as SOAP: The API is published as a SOAP API with the SOAP operations to
API Portal.
Publish as REST and SOAP: When both the options are selected, the API is published as a REST API as well as a SOAP API in
API Portal and marked as a HYBRID API.
Note: The Publish as option is available only if the REST transformation is enabled for the SOAP API.
5. Select the communities to which the API needs to be published.
By default, an API is published to the Public Community of API Portal.
Note: If an API is already a part of the package published to a community then you cannot remove it from that community.
6. Click Publish.
The API along with the selected endpoints is published to API Portal and available for the consumers to consume it.
A REST-enabled SOAP API is published to API Portal based on the selected API type:
REST API. The API Details view displays the published API as a REST API with the defined REST resources and methods.
SOAP API. The API Details view displays the published API as a SOAP API with the defined SOAP operations.
HYBRID API. The API Details view, by default, displays the published API as a REST API with the REST resources and methods. There is an option
SOAP that can be selected to display the published API as a SOAP API with the SOAP operations.
Once an API is published, the Publish icon changes to Republish icon.
You can unpublish an API once it is published by clicking the Unpublish icon.