API Management 10.4 | Using API Gateway | Policies | System-defined Stages and Policies | Traffic Monitoring | Throttling Traffic Optimization
Throttling Traffic Optimization
This policy limits the number of service invocations during a specified time interval, and sends alerts to a specified destination when the performance conditions are violated. You can use this action to avoid overloading the back-end services and their infrastructure, to limit specific clients in terms of resource usage, and so on.
The table lists the properties that you can specify for this policy:
Limit Configuration.
Rule name
Specifies the name of throttling rule to be applied. For example, Total Request Count.
Specifies the operator that connects the rule to the value specified.
Select one of the operators: Greater Than, Less Than, Equals To.
Specifies the value of the request count beyond which the policy is violated.
Specifies the destination to log the alerts.
Select the required options:
*API Gateway
*API Portal
Note: This option is applicable only for the APIs published from CentraSite to API Gateway.
*Digital Events
*Email (you can add multiple email addresses by clicking ).
Note: If an email alias is available, you can type the email alias in the Email Address field with the following syntax, ${emailaliasname}. For example, if test is the email alias, then type ${test}.
*Local Log: You can select the severity of the messages to be logged (logging level) from the Log Level drop-down list. The available log levels are ERROR, INFO, and WARN.
*Set the Integration Server Administrator's logging level for API Gateway to match the logging levels specified for the run-time actions (go to Settings > Logging > Server Logger). For example, if a Log Invocation action is set to the logging level of Error, you must also set Integration Server Administrator's logging level for API Gateway to Error. If the action's logging level is set to a low level (Warning-level or Information level), but Integration Server Administrator's logging level for API Gateway is set to a higher level (Error-level), then only the higher-level messages are written to the log file.
*Entries posted to the local log are identified by a product code of YAI and suffixed with the initial alphabet of the logging level selected. For example, for an error level, the entry appears as [YAI.0900.0002E].
Alert Interval
Specifies the interval of time for the limit to be reached.
Specifies the unit for the time interval in minutes, hours, days, or weeks for the alert interval.
Alert Frequency
Specifies the frequency at which the alerts are issued.
Specify one of the options:
*Only Once. Triggers an alert only the first time the specified condition is violated.
*Every Time. Triggers an alert every time the specified condition is violated.
Alert Message
Specifies the text message to be included in the alert.
Consumer Applications
Specifies the application to which this policy applies.
You can type a search term to match an application and click to add it.
You can add multiple applications or delete an added application by clicking .

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