API Management 10.4 | Using API Gateway | API Gateway Administration | Destination Configuration | Configuring Elasticsearch Destination
Configuring Elasticsearch Destination
You have to configure Elasticsearch as a destination to establish a communication channel between API Gateway and Elasticsearch to exchange data.
* To configure Elasticsearch destination
1. Expand the menu options icon , in the title bar, and select Administration.
2. Select Destinations.
3. Select Elasticsearch > Configuration to configure Elasticsearch as the destination.
4. Provide the following information in the Basic information section:
Specifies the communication protocol used to establish communication between API Gateway and Elasticsearch.
Specifies the host name or IP address of the machine on which Elasticsearch is running.
Specifies the port where Elasticsearch server runs. The default port number is 9240.
Index name
Specifies the index name for Elasticsearch, where the data is stored.
Specifies the Elasticsearch user ID for authenticating Elasticsearch when API Gateway communicates with it.
Specifies the password of the Elasticsearch instance to be used for establishing communication between API Gateway and Elasticsearch.
Note: You can provide the username and password for the Elasticsearch instances having configured with Basic authentication. You can also provide HTTPS enabled Elasticsearch instance.
5. Click Test.
This tests the communication channel between API Gateway and the configured Elasticsearch.
6. Click Save to save the specified email configuration value.
You can click Cancel to revert to the last saved changes or to abandon all the changes if the values are not saved.

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