API Management 10.4 | Using API Gateway | Asset Promotions | Manage Stages, Promotions, and Rollbacks | Promotions
Promoting Assets
Viewing Promotion List and Promotion Details
Repromoting Assets
Promotion refers to moving API Gateway assets from the source stage to one or more target stages. For example, you might want to promote assets you have developed on servers in a Development stage (the source API Gateway instance) to servers in a QA or Production stage (the target API Gateway instance). When you promote an asset from one stage to another, the asset's metadata is copied from the source instance to the target instance.
Note: For the list of assets and configuration settings that can be promoted, see Assets that can be exported and imported.
Assets that are dependencies for the asset are also promoted. The required dependencies of an asset are always promoted with the asset. However, you can choose which optional dependencies are promoted at the time of promoting the asset. For example, at the time of promoting an API, the policies and aliases used by the API are always promoted. However, you can choose which dependent applications are promoted as applications an optional dependency for APIs. You can choose to promote all or no application, or select specific applications that you want to included with the API in the promotion.
The following table lists the required and optional dependencies of assets that are supported by promotion management.
Dependencies (Required)
Dependencies (Optional)
Policies, Aliases
APIs, Plans, Policies, Subscriptions
Packages, Plans
Access Profiles
Approval configurations
Access profiles
Configuration > Keystore
Keystore, Truststore
Email destination
Trust store
JMS connection alias
JNDI provider alias
LDAP configuration
Password expiry settings
Port (https)
Keystore, Truststore
Service Registry
Keystore, Truststore
Web service endpoint alias
Access Profiles, JMS, JNDI, JMS Trigger, Keystore, Truststore
Note: Till API Gateway version 10.3, promotion management supported only the 'simple' and 'endpoint' types of aliases. Starting from API Gateway version 10.4, all types of aliases are supported.

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