Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services 10.3 | Integrate Software AG Products Using Digital Event Services | Integration Server Administrator’s Guide | Removing User Data from Integration Server | Removing References to Email Addresses
Removing References to Email Addresses
As part of removing references to a user from Integration Server, you may need to remove references to their email address as well. Review the following and remove or replace the email address as needed:
*Email addresses for notifications about critical information, new package releases, rules violations, and so forth. You might need to update email addresses for one or more of the following:
Update this asset
Email Notification settings
Internal Email field and the Service Email field on the Settings > Resources > Edit Resource Settings page
Integration Server Administrator
Password expiration notification email addresses.
Expiration Notice Email Addresses field on the Security > User Management > Password Expiration Settings > Edit page.
Integration Server Administrator
Enterprise Gateway alerts that send an email to alert you of a rules violation
Email Addresses field on the Security > Enterprise Gateway Rules > Edit Default Alert Options
Integration Server Administrator on the Integration Server acting as the Enterprise Gateway Server
Notification email addresses for package subscriptions on this Integration Server
Notification E-mail field on the Packages > Publishing > Edit Subscriber page
Integration Server Administrator
Notification email addresses for package subscriptions on a remote Integration Server
Notification E-mail and Automatic Pull E-mail on the Packages > Subscribing > Edit Subscription page
Integration Server Administrator
*Server configuration parameters that specify an email address as the value:
Note: The above list of server configuration parameters is not exhaustive and may not include parameters added via fixes or by a layered product such as an adapter.
Use the Extended Settings page in Integration Server Administrator to edit the server configuration parameters
*Services that invoke the pub.client:smtp service, pub.replicator.notifyPackageReleaseservice, or any other service that uses email addresses as input parameters.
Note: After you remove or update email addresses used in Integration Server, you need to recreate any Docker images for the affected Integration Server instances.

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