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Swiping Behavior
To be able to use swipe gestures within nUIListView and nUIListElement, you must define a swipe behavior for a particular cell type and swipe direction by implementing the getSwipeBehavior method in the IListProvider interface.
You can choose between
*SwipeToDeleteBehavior - Allows you to delete a cell by swiping.
*SwipeToEditBehavior - Allows you to show action buttons in a cell by swiping. However, the cell is not deleted.
*SwipeActionBehavior - Allows you to show action buttons in a cell and to delete this cell by swiping.
Use the factory class SwipeBehavior to create the required SwipeBehavior instance.
Note: You cannot assign different swipe behaviors to the same combination of cell type and swipe direction.
For detailed information, see the example in the com.softwareag.mobile.nativeuidemo.view.ListView class of the _NativeUIDemoNew_ project.

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