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When to Use Views or Panes
As well as using panes to manage nUIViewDisplay objects within a nUIWindowDisplay, you can also nominate views as "side views". These can be used to provide a pop-up "side menu" or "toolbox"-style functionality for an application. The table below contrasts the use of panes and side views. As a general rule, side views are more suitable for phone screens than tablet devices, but are available for both.
Side View
Pops up when needed.
Is always open.
Obscures or displaces other content when open (may include nUINavViews).
Exists in its own space within the window.
Can be defined once to provide a global pop-up "toolbox" for the entire application.
Usually changes content throughout the application's life-cycle.
Only 2 side views per window possible at the same time (left and right).
Multiple panes possible.
Fixed x/y positions and height (width configurable).
Arbitrary layouts possible.
More space-efficient with smaller devices.
Better side-by-side layout of data and controls for larger devices.
Blocks interaction in other views when visible.
Allows for interaction across multiple views concurrently.

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