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Designing Applications to Run on Both Tablets and Smaller Devices
You can create applications that support both multiple panes aimed for larger devices, such as tablets, and single screens aimed for smaller devices, such as smartphones. When designing the application, it is recommended that you initially design the application flow for the multiple-pane version as a set of features that you can degrade gracefully to accommodate the single-screen version. Alternatively, you can design the single-screen version, and after the application is complete, convert it to a multiple-pane application.
When designing the application flow, be sure to consider the differences between displaying information using multiple panes vs. a single pane. For example, the flow for a single-screen application tends to be linear. Because the logic is more linear, the behavior of the Back button is somewhat predictable. When designing the application flow for an application that will use multiple panes, you can divide the tasks between the panes. Action in one pane can trigger changes in other panes. Because of the possibility of changes being triggered in separate panes, in a multiple-pane application, it is less obvious how and when to display the Back button.
Another example of a difference is the navigation bar. For a single-screen application that is aimed for smaller devices with limited screen size, you might need to limit the icons displayed on the navigation bar. When using multiple panes for a larger device, you have more room to display icons. Additionally, you can split the contents of the navigation bar across multiple panes.
When creating an application that supports both multiple-pane and single-screen versions, you need to add logic to determine when to use the logic for the multiple-pane version or the single-screen version. One method is to base the decision by determining the size of the device. For more information, see Determining the Device Size at Run Time.

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