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Managing Object Focus
In an application’s user interface, when a NativeUI object gains focus, its appearance changes to indicate that it is ready for user interaction, such as to receive input from a finger tap or keyboard. How the appearance of a NativeUI object changes depends on the platform. Platforms use different visual clues, such as highlighting the object, making the object visually distinct, or changing the color of the background behind the object.
The NativeUI system has default behavior for whether a newly added object gains focus. By default, when adding a view to a window or a focusable NativeUI object to a view, the following behavior occurs:
*If the parent object does not already contain an object that has focus, the newly added object gains focus.
*If the parent contains an object that has focus, the focus does not change when the new object is added to the view or window.
You can override the default behavior for NativeUI objects that are a subclass of the nUIDisplayObject class by using the parent.setChildFocus(child_to_focus_on) method.

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