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Environment Variable for Mobile Designer
With previous versions, Mobile Designer created an environment variable, MOBILE_DESIGNER, on the computer when Mobile Designer was installed. As a result, the installation process set the value of MOBILE_DESIGNER to the location of the latest Mobile Designer installed instance. As of version 9.8, this environment variable is considered deprecated and is no longer created by default. However, you can continue to use it if you want. If you want to continue using this feature, you must create/alter the variable yourself in the indicated locations. If you do not want to use the MOBILE_DESIGNER environment variable any more, you can disable it. Then use the following when calling Ant from the command line or IDE:
-Denv.MOBILE_DESIGNER=Mobile Designer_dir
Mobile Designer uses the environment variable at run time to determine its location so that it can locate Mobile Designer-specific information, for example, the sdk.properties file.
If you have multiple Mobile Designer installations on a single machine, you can set the MOBILE_DESIGNER environment variable to indicate the current instance of Mobile Designer to use.
The following indicates where you can find the environment variable:
*On Windows, in System Properties > Advanced > Environment Variables in the User variables group
*On Macintosh:
*OSX 10.7 or earlier in the ~/.MacOSX/environment.plist file
*Later versions in /etc/launchd.conf

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