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About Mobile Application Projects
You set up a mobile application project for each mobile application you want to develop. The project contains the application code, defines the devices you want the application to support, and references all the resources that the project requires.
Perform the following actions to set up a mobile application project:
*Create the mobile application project as described in webMethods Mobile Development Help, Creating a New Mobile Project.
*Code your application using Java, specifically J2ME. Mobile Designer provides several run-time classes that you can use in your application. For more information, see Coding a Mobile Application and webMethods Mobile Designer Java API Reference.
*Software AG recommend that you use the default UniversalResHandler implementation that Mobile Development provides as a resource handler. The resouce handler identifies the resources that your project requires. You can still code your own resource handler though this is deprecated and not adviced. For more information, see Defining Resources for a Mobile Application Project.
*Set properties for your project. Although there are numerous properties you can define for a project, Mobile Designer provides initial settings and/or defaults for most. However, there are a few properties you must set for your project. For more information, see Setting Project Properties.
*Set parameters for your project. Parameters contain settings about devices and resources. Additionally, you can define your own application-specific parameters. In your application code, you use parameters to perform such tasks as loading resources or branching the logic based on parameter values to address the needs of specific target devices. For more information, see Where You Define Parameters.
*Mobile Development will add devices that you want your application to support to your project when you define launch configurations. For more information, see webMethods Mobile Development Help, Building a Mobile Project. However, you can continue to add devices using Ant targets as described in Adding Devices to a Mobile Application Project.

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