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Project Properties
The following table lists the properties that must be set for your project. Mobile Development handles these properties. However, for debbuging and testing reasons, you can still specify and modify them on your own. For information about how to set properties, see Setting Project Properties.
Required. Specifies the location of the run-time code for your mobile application.
Conditionally required. Specifies the location of classes required for building your project. Required only if your project requires additional precompiled classes to build the application.
Conditionally required. Specifies the location of the stubs required for compilation. Required only if your project requires additional stubs to compile the application’s run-time source code.
Required. Specifies the language(s) that you want your application to support.
Required. Specifies the file name format that you want Mobile Designer to use when naming your application’s final binary.
Required. Specifies the Java package/class name of the resource handler class you created for your project.
Required. Specifies the location of your project’s resource handler script and any associated classes.
Required. Specifies the location of the resource files (image files, etc.) for your project.
Conditionally required. Specifies the location of classes that the resource handler requires. Required only if your resource handler requires additional classes.
Required. Specifies the version of the Mobile Designer build scripting system to use when building your application.
Required. Specifies the version of the Mobile Designer run-time system to use for your application.
Required. Specifies the name of the root MIDlet/Application class of your project's run-time code. Typically this is the class that extends .
Required. Specifies a text name you want your application to have when installed on a device.

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