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Using the ImagePicker Class
Capturing Barcodes Using ImagePicker
The ImagePicker exposes two public static methods for general use, pickFromCamera(IImagePickerCallback callback) and pickFromGallery(IImagePickerCallback callback).
Note: Activating the camera is a long-running task that can consume a lot of resources. Because of this, the mobile operating system may background or close applications. This includes the application that opened the camera in the first place. When control returns to the application, it will be via the IImagePickerCallback. Be aware that the application may not be in exactly the same state as before.
You should create an implementation of IImagePickerCallback for yourself. When the mobile operating system returns control to the application, either onImagePicked() or onImagePickingFailed() will be called. If the image picking has failed, the reason why will be indicated as an int value (currently one of error, user cancelled, or no permission), and a String with optional extra information that the operating system or the ImagePicker may provide. If no extra information is available, the String may be empty or null.
To create an IImagePickerCallback implementation, use the following code:
*In a method
ImagePicker.pickFromCamera(new MyImagePicker());
*In a separate class or as an inner class
class MyImagePicker
public onImagePicked(Image img)
System.out.println("Got an Image, " + img.getWidth() + "x"
+ img.getHeight());
//do something with the Image...

public onImagePickingFailed(int result, String error)
System.out.println("An unexpected error occured. Further info :"
+ error);
System.out.println("The user closed the camera without taking a picture.");
"The user / OS did not grant permission to use
the camera in this app, Further info : " + error);

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