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Generating Javadocs for a Project
Use the Generate-Javadoc Ant target to generate javadocs for a project. The javadocs that the Generate-Javadoc Ant target generates are primarily javadocs for the customer’s project codebase. The javadocs also include Mobile Designer run-time methods and constants.
When you use the Generate-Javadoc Ant target, Mobile Designer adds a _temp_ folder to your main project folder that contains the generated files.
* To generate javadocs for a project
1. In Software AG Designer, in the Project Explorer view, locate the project for which you want to generate javadocs.
2. Expand the project and drag its build.xml file to the Ant view.
3. In the Ant view, double-click Generate-Javadoc.
Mobile Designer displays the Activate Handset dialog.
4. In the Activate Handset dialog, select the device for which you want generate javadocs and the language group. Then click Activate Handset.
Mobile Designer places the results of the Generate-Javadoc Ant target in your project’s _temp_ folder.

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