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Exporting iOS Certificates and Private Keys to .p12 Files
The Jenkins plugin works with .p12 (Personal Information Exchange) files. These password-protected files contain the certificates and private keys that can be used to sign your build. .p12 files can be created by exporting certificates that are already installed on a Mac.
* To export certificates and private keys to .p12 files
1. Open the Keychain Access application from /Applications/Utilities/Keychain Access.
2. Locate the certificates you want to export. The view can be filtered by selecting the Certificates or MyCertificates category.
Tip: Certificates for signing iOS builds will likely start with "iPhone Developer:", "iOS Distribution:", or similar.
3. Each certificate you want to export will have a private key associated with it (indicated with a small grey triangle to the left of the certificate's icon). Click this triangle to reveal the key.
4. Press SHIFT+CLICK or COMMAND+CLICK to select all the certificates you want to export and their private keys.
5. Right-click the selection, and select Export n Items, where n is the number of items to export.
6. Select an appropriate name and location for the file, and make sure the file format is Personal Information Exchange (.p12). Then click Save.
You will be prompted for a password to lock this file with. Make a note of this password as you will need it again when the file is imported to your Jenkins server.

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