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Installing Jenkins
If you do a new Jenkins install, follow the instructions at https://jenkins.io/ to download and install your server. Software AG recommend that you choose a version of Jenkins that is part of the stable long-term support branch.
Mobile Designer provides an installation bundle that you must upload to your Jenkins server.
Note: You may need to restart your Jenkins service as part of this process. If your build server is constantly in use, you can check the Jenkins documentation on how to stop the server from accepting new builds (the Quiet Down mode), see Prepare for Shutdown in the Manage Jenkins section.
* To install the installation bundle
1. In a web browser, connect and log in to your local Jenkins server (with administrative privileges, if required).
2. Click Manage Jenkins, and then click Manage Plugins.
3. Select the Advanced tab, then scroll down to the Upload Plugin section.
4. Click Browse and locate the your_mobile_designer_install/plugins/Jenkins/v1.0.0/mobile-suite-jenkins-plugin.hpi installation bundle on your machine. Click Upload.
The Jenkins server installs the plugin.
Note: You may need to restart your Jenkins server, especially if you are upgrading the plugin from a previous install on an older version of Jenkins. Jenkins will often provide a check box that can be selected as part of the plugin install progress page. You can also use your normal procedure to restart the server. Ensure that all currently running build jobs finish before restarting the server.

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