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Using the Jenkins-Multi-Build Ant Task
You can start a Jenkins remote multi-build process by calling the Jenkins-Multi-Build Ant task from any mobile project that supports the Jenkins plugin.
The Jenkins-Multi-Build Ant task has similar properties as the +Target-Build Ant task, with a few additions. You must supply values for the following Ant properties:
Required. The name of the target to build (e.g., "Android_generic_AndroidWVGA800"). These correspond to the file names in your project's targets folder.
Required. The language group to build for. Most mobile projects developed with the Mobile Development perspective of Software AG Designer will use "I18N" here.
Required. The type of build to create. For Android builds, this can only be release or debug. For iOS builds, this can be appstore, enterprise, ad hoc, sim release, dev release, or xcode project.
Required. The version number of the application to build, e.g. "1.3.2".
Required. The root page of the server to connect to, eg: "".
Required. The name of the Jenkins job to execute to create this build.
Optional. The user name used to connect to the Jenkins server. This user must have permission to create Jenkins jobs.
Optional. The password used to connect to the Jenkins server.
Optional. A semicolon delimited list of files and folders to include in the bundle passed to the server. The default value is "", which will upload everything that is not excluded or ignored.
Optional. A semicolon delimited list of files and folders to exclude from the bundle passed to the server. The default is _temp_;bin;Builds.
Optional. A semicolon delimited list of files and folders to ignore when building the bundle for the server. This list is intended for use to exclude source control metadata files (e.g., .svn folders). The default value is .svn.
Optional. If set to true, the build process will not detach from the Jenkins server after the build has started. Console output from the Jenkins build job will be piped through to the local console. The default is true.
Optional. Normally, Mobile Designer automatically detects if your server uses Cross Site Request Forgery Protection. However, this may not be possible in all cases. Set to true if your server uses Cross Site Request Forgery Protection, but Mobile Designer cannot detect it.
Optional. If set to true, the created build job will omit the Generate Mobile Designer Sources The default is false.

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