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Using the Jenkins-Create-Job Ant Task
You can use the Jenkins-Create-Job Ant task from any mobile project that supports the Jenkins plugin.
You must supply values for the following Ant properties:
Required. The root page of the server to connect to, eg: "".
Required. The name of the Jenkins job to create. If the name is already taken, the process will not override it.
Required. The name of the project's folder, e.g., "_NativeUIDemoNew_", "Cocktails".
Optional. The user name used to connect to the Jenkins server. This user must have permission to create Jenkins jobs.
Optional. The password used to connect to the Jenkins server. If jenkins.username is not defined, this property will be ignored.
Optional. If defined, this will instruct Jenkins to look in this location for the Software AG install to use (e.g., "/Applications/SoftwareAG103"). If this is not defined, then the default install location will be used.
Optional. Signs any iOS builds that this Jenkins job does with a key. If set to true, then jenkins.ios.bundle.id must be specified.
Optional. Defines the full iOS bundle ID for this application. Wildcards are not allowed here.
Optional. If set to true, the Android package is overriden, and jenkins.android.package must be specified.
Optional. Defines a java package to create your Android build in (e.g., "com.softwareag.mobile.someproject").
Optional. Normally, Mobile Designer automatically detects if your server uses Cross Site Request Forgery Protection. However, this may not be possible in all cases. Set to true if your server uses Cross Site Request Forgery Protection, but Mobile Designer cannot detect it.
Optional. If set to false, the created build job will omit the Generate Mobile Designer Sources build step and assume that they are to be uploaded in the project bundle.
Optional. Forces the Jenkins job to run only on certain build nodes. Specify the name of a Jenkins node or a label pointing to one (or more) build nodes. The default is "".

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