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New Build Steps Provided by the Mobile Suite Plugin
The Mobile Suite Jenkins plugin provides four build steps that can be added to Jenkins jobs. A small description of each is provided here. More help and information can be found through the Jenkins web UI itself when interacting with the build steps in a job.
*Generate Mobile Designer Sources This build step is the equivalent of the menu option Generate Source Code > Application Model and API in the Mobile Development perspective of Software AG Designer. Using the application model, it prepares all resources needed and creates the contents of the gen folder.
*Decompress Mobile Designer Project This build step is designed to take a Mobile Suite project bundle (usually with the name "project.bundle.zip") that was passed as a parameter to the Jenkins job and decompress it. Optionally, it can check the project bundle for metadata about the project and remove any old copies of that folder from the workspace before decompressing it.
*Auto-Build Mobile Designer Project This build step uses the metadata that comes from a Mobile Suite project bundle to find out which build was specified by the user in Software AG Designer. It will then build them.
*Build Mobile Designer Project This build step allows for more direct control over the parameters used to build the mobile application. You can use it if you want to build your application after checking out from source control.
You can specify the handset target, version number, language, etc. This build step can also be useful if you want to build multiple handset targets in the same job, as this build step may be repeated as many times as required.

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