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About Customizing the Build Process
Mobile Designer provides the following features that you can use to customize the standard build process:
*Custom JPanels. Deprecated. (The feature will not be supported as of Mobile Designer version 10.5.)
*Hook points. You can create custom Ant scripts that you want Mobile Designer to run during the build process. Mobile Designer defines various points, called hook points, in the build process where it can run an Ant script that you provide. For more information, see Creating Custom Ant Scripts to Run at Predefined Hook Points.
*Patch files. You can create patch files that Mobile Designer applies to the cross-compiled code. Use patch files to correct issues that might prevent the cross-compiled code from compiling successfully. Additionally, some times the code might cross-compile successfully, but the resulting code might not execute as expected. You might be able to correct the issue with a patch file. For more information, see Creating Patch Files to Apply to the Cross-Compiled Code.

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