webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | Using webMethods Mobile Designer | Ant Target Summary | Ant Target Summary
Ant Target Summary
This section provides a diagram that shows the Ant targets you can use to compile resources, build a mobile application project, activate a device, and use Phoney.
For each Ant target, the diagram indicate the steps Mobile Designer performs for an Ant target. For example, for the ++Run-Phoney Ant target, Mobile Designer only performs the “Run Phoney” step. Dashed lines indicate steps that Mobile Designer does not perform. For example, for the +Multi-Build Ant target, there is a dashed line for the “Display Activate Handset dialog” step because Mobile Designer does not perform this step when running the +Multi-Build Ant target. For more details about the steps, see one of the following:
*For details about compiling resources only, see Compiling Resources Using the +Run-Reshandler Ant Target.
*For details about the build process, see Steps in the Multi-Build Process.
*For details about the process to activate a device, see Steps Performed to Activate Handsets.
*For details about the actions taken when you run Phoney, see Steps Performed for Phoney Ant Targets.
Use this diagram to compare the actions performed for each Ant target.

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