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Using Font Sizes
In addition to colors and sizes, you can also define font sizes. They can be used as value for any user interface property named Font Size.
* To define a font size for a mobile application
1. Ensure the mobile project is open in the Outline Editor. For instructions, see Displaying a Mobile Project in the Outline Editor.
2. In the Model section of the Outline Editor, expand the outline so that you view the Styles node.
3. Expand the Styles node, select the Values node, and select New Child > Font Size.
4. In the Properties section of the Outline Editor, define a unique name in the Name field (e.g., Large, Medium, Small) and a font size value in the Value field (e.g., 10 sp, 12 sp, 14 sp).
Note: If you press CTRL + SPACE in the Value field, a list of all defined font sizes is shown.
5. Save the Ouline Editor.
You can easily use the font size in the user interface. Open a model element that contains a font size property. In that property, specify the name of the previously defined font size object. If you press CTRL + SPACE, a list of all selectable defined font size objects is shown.

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