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Using the UniversalResHandler
You can use the UniversalResHandler resource handler that Mobile Development provides.
Note: While writing your own resource handler is going to be deprecated, you can still code your own implementation and make the project to take use of it.
* To run the resource handler
1. Do one of the following:
a. Execute the +Run-Reshandler ANT target.
b. Execute the ++Reactivate-Handset ANT target.
c. Do a multi-build.
2. Ensure the mobile project is open in the Outline Editor. For instructions, see Displaying a Mobile Project in the Outline Editor.
3. Select the top-level child node of the project, which is the root application node.
4. Modify the Res Handler property in the Properties section of the Outline Editor. Enter the fully-qualified name of your implementation, and add the custom resource handler implementation to the your_project/reshandler directory.

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