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Renaming the Application
You initially set the application when you create the project using the New Mobile Development Project wizard. If you want to change the application name you specified in the wizard, you can do so by updating the Name property for the root application node.
Note: If you want to change the name of the mobile project, see Renaming a Mobile Project.
* To rename the application
1. Ensure the mobile project is displayed in the Outline Editor. For instructions, see Opening the Mobile Development Perspective.
2. In the Model section of the Outline Editor, expand the project so that you can view the top-level child node that represents the root application for the project.
3. Select the root application node.
4. Type the new name for the application in the Name property, which is displayed in the Properties section of the Outline Editor.
5. Save the mobile project.
6. Generate sources for the updated mobile project. For instructions, see Generating Sources for a Mobile Project.
Mobile Development generates a new new_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class for the application where new_app_name is the new name you assigned to the application.
Mobile Development does not remove the old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class, where old_app_name is the previous name of the application. Mobile Development retains this file in the event that you previously added custom code to the old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class.
7. Update the new_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class with any custom code that you added to the old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class.
a. In the Package Explorer or Navigator view, locate the src > package > ui > controller > impl folder, which contains both the new_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java and old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java classes.
b. Open both Java classes and copy all custom code from the old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java to new_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java.
c. Save both files.
d. Delete the old_app_nameAppControllerImpl.java Java class.

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