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Importing Icons
You can create an asset set by importing single PNG icons.
* To import single PNG icons
1. Do one of the following:
a. Open the Asset Editor by double-clicking an existing asset file, or right-click an existing asset file, select Open > Open With, and select Asset Editor.
b. Create a new asset file as described in Adding Graphical Assets.
2. In the Asset Editor, click Import Icon in the upper right corner.
3. Drag and drop a single icon into the dedicated placeholder. Ensure that the icon you dropped matches the required icon size, as this import approach uses no scaling.
4. Click CTRL + S to save the asset.
When saving the asset, Mobile Development copies the imported icons into your mobile project and renames them accordingly. Those icons are located within the your_project/gen/.assets/graphics directory. Make sure to commit this directory when working with a source code management system.

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