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Run-Time Classes Properties
The run-time classes properties customize how the project uses the run-time classes that Mobile Designer provides.
Overrides the value that Mobile Designer sets for how mobile application uses a device’s camera.
Note: The com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.media.CameraHandler class uses this property. For more information, see Run-Time Media Classes.
*none if your application does not use the camera, or specific devices that your project supports do not support a camera.
*jsr135 specifies your application uses the Mobile Media API (MMAPI) package for J2ME devices that support the camera.
The default is based on the specific device and is set in the device’s device profile. You can find the device profiles in the following location:
Mobile Designer_directory /Devices
Overrides the value that Mobile Designer sets for whether the application uses SMS messaging.
Note: The com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.comms.MessageConnectionHandler class uses this property. For more information, see Run-Time Comms Classes.
*none if your application or specific devices that your project supports are not support SMS messaging.
*wma if your mobile application is using the J2ME Wireless Messaging API for SMS messaging.
The default is based on the specific device and is set in the device’s device profile. You can find the device profiles in the following location:
Mobile Designer_directory /Devices
Overrides the value that Mobile Designer sets to determine which primitive data types can be read when parsing your resources with the run-time com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.storage.ResourceDataTypes class.
Note: The com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.storage.ResourceDataTypes class uses this property. For more information, see Run-Time Storage Classes.
*cldc11 specifies your mobile application uses CLDC 1.1.
CLDC 1.1 supports integer numbers, float and double.
The default is based on the specific device and is set in the device’s device profile. You can find the device profiles in the following location:
Mobile Designer_directory /Devices
Overrides the value that Mobile Designer sets for com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.serialize.Serializer class.
Note: The com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.serialize.Serializer class uses this property. For more information, see Run-Time Serializer Class.
*cldc11 specifies your mobile application uses CLDC 1.1.
CLDC 1.1 supports integer numbers, float and double.
The default is based on the specific device and is set in the device’s device profile. You can find the device profiles in the following location:
Mobile Designer_directory /Devices

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