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Use to display the navigation view.
The navigation view has different formats based on the platform. For example, for some platforms the navigation view might display as a menu bar that is always visible and uses both icons and text. For other platforms, the navigation view might have hidden menu items that are displayed only when a user presses a button.
Usage Notes
*You can add nUINavbuttonElement objects to the nUINavView object.
Note: The nUINavbuttonElement object should not represent Back buttons. That is, the object’s Type attribute should not be set to nUINavbuttonElement.TYPE_BACK.
*The following are platform-specific considerations:
*It is recommended to limit the number of buttons you add to a nUINavView object to 6 buttons. If you add more than 6 buttons, a More button displays on some Android devices.
*It is recommended to limit the number of buttons you add to a nUINavView object on an iPhone in full-screen portrait mode to 8 buttons.
This code sample displays a navigation view. Details on how the example code is rendered on various platforms follow the code sample.
protected nUIViewDisplay onCreateMainNavbarView()
//loadImage calls Image.createImage() with the appropriate path and file
navbar_view = new nUINavView(NUIID_NAV_VIEW);
navbar_view.setBgcolor (0);
navbar_view.add(new nUINavbuttonElement(-1, "Lorem",
loadImage ("ChartArea")));
navbar_view.add(new nUINavbuttonElement(-1, "Ipsum",
loadImage ("ChartPie")));
navbar_view.add(new nUINavbuttonElement(-1, "Dolor",
loadImage ("ChartBar")));
return navbar_view;
Platform-Specific Class and Visual Reference
Custom code to emulate a split action bar

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