webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | webMethods Mobile Designer Native User Interface Reference | Native User Interface (NativeUI) Objects | nUICheckboxButton
Use to display a check box.
Usage Notes
*Valid states for the check box are 0 (zero) meaning clear and 1 (one) meaning selected.
*The nUICheckboxButton object provides the following check box types. Use the type that is most appropriate for your application’s target platforms.
*nUICheckboxButton.TYPE_DEFAULT, which indicates the application uses the check box type that is considered the most appropriate for the target platform.
*nUICheckboxButton.TYPE_OFF_ON indicates a check box that uses “On” and “Off”.
*nUICheckboxButton.TYPE_YES_NO specifies a check box that uses “Yes” and “No”. For platforms that do not support yes/no check boxes, Mobile Designer implements a nUIButtonElement object with equivalent “Yes” and “No” text labels.
The default state for a check box is 0 (zero), meaning clear, off, or no.
This code sample displays a check box. Details on how the example code is rendered on various platforms follow the code sample.
view.add(new nUICheckboxButton(NUIID_MY_CHECKBOX, "nUICheckboxButton"));
Platform-Specific Class and Visual Reference

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