webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | webMethods Mobile Development Help | User Interface Object Reference | Objects to Use for User Interface Controls | DropDownListEntry Properties
DropDownListEntry Properties
Create On Condition
Whether to create the drop-down list at run time.
Font Size
Size of the font to use for the text for the drop-down list.
Font Style
How the text should be formatted, for example, bold, italic, or underlined.
Horizontal alignment of the contents in the entry.
Name you assign the drop-down list in the Outline Editor for your own reference purpose. This name does not appear in the application’s user interface.
Position X
Distance from the drop-down list’s left edge to its parent object’s inner X position.
Position Y
Distance from the drop-down list’s top edge to its parent object’s inner Y position.
Used to determine the context of the element at runtime, e.g. in a Delegate to find out which element was pressed.
Whether the drop-down list is visible or hidden.
Width of the drop-down list.

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