webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | Using webMethods Mobile Designer | Project Properties Reference | Cross-Product Integration Properties
Cross-Product Integration Properties
The cross-product integration properties configure how Mobile Designer works with other products in the webMethods product suite.
Specifies whether to include the Mobile Support Client library in a mobile project. The methods in this library facilitate data synchronization between mobile devices and back-end databases by initiating synchronization requests with webMethods Mobile Support.
For more information about webMethods Mobile Support, see Developing Data Synchronization Solutions with webMethods Mobile Support. For more information about the Mobile Support Client library, see webMethods Mobile Support Client Java API Reference.
Note: The Mobile Support Client library requires the com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.database classes. As a result, when you set a value for the mobilesupportclient.runtime.dir property, the project.handset.uses.Database is automatically set to true to indicate that the mobile application uses the com.softwareag.mobile.runtime.database classes.
Root directory where the Mobile Support Client library mdlibrary.properties file and src folder reside.
<property name=”mobilesupportclient.runtime.dir”
value=”c:/SoftwareAG/Mobile/SupportClient” />

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