webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | webMethods Mobile Development Help | Building the User Interface for a Mobile Application | About Building the User Interface
About Building the User Interface
The following lists the tasks to perform to build the user interface for a mobile application.
*Understand the basic structure of the user interface, for information, see Basic Structure of the Application User Interface.
*Define the configuration of panes to use for the application’s window. For more information, see Defining Panes for the Application Window.
*Define the different screens that the application displays. The screens are referred to as views. For more information, see Adding Views to the Application’s User Interface and Adding Content to a View.
*Add listeners that wait for user-initiated events when a user interacts with controls you add to the view and take an action based on the user-initiated event. For more information, see Responding to User-Initiated Events.
*Define templates if you want to customize and reuse user interface structures. For more information, see Using Templates to Define Custom Objects for a Mobile Project.

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