Specifying User Access Privileges in the Parent Folder
Let us consider the user Mike in the above example who has access to the Marketing folder. Let us now consider two more folders in the VFS, General and HR under the Sales folder. Mike currently has the following access in the VFS:
Marketing folder:
Download, and
Resume File Transfer.
Inbound folder:
Resume File Transfer, and
Outbound folder:
Download, and
Resume File Transfer. As an Administrator, you want to grant view access to Mike to the other folders in the Sales folder: General and HR. This can be achieved using the following:
To specify user access privileges in the parent folder
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > Managed File Transfer > Virtual Folder Management.
3. Select the virtual folder Sales in the VFS tree. The folder details appear on the right side of the page. The user Mike has folder traversal permission in this folder.
4. Unselect the Traverse folder checkbox. You will see the minimum permission set selected in the list.
5. Unselect all other permissions except View.
6. Click Save. Mike will now get View access to the General and HR folders under Sales folder.