Trading Networks 10.3 | Administering and Monitoring B2B Transactions | Managing File Transfers with ActiveTransfer | Managing ActiveTransfer Server | Banning IP Addresses | Allowing or Denying a Range of IP Addresses
Allowing or Denying a Range of IP Addresses
You can allow or deny a range of IP addresses for selective access to ActiveTransfer Server or ActiveTransfer Gateway. The default range is 0-255, which indicates that ActiveTransfer Server or ActiveTransfer Gateway allows all IP addresses to access the server and gateway, respectively.
*To allow or deny a range of IP Addresses
1. In My webMethods: Administration > Integration > Managed File Transfer > Server Management.
2. Select the server or gateway instance. For details, see Selecting the Instance to Work With.
3. Click the Banning tab.
4. In the IP Restrictions section, click .
5. From the first list, select Allow or Deny.
6. Type the IP address range in the Address from and To fields.
For example, specifying from 168.21.* to 168.23.* indicates that all addresses within that range are affected.
7. Click Save.