Manifest File
Each package has a manifest file. It contains:
Indication of whether the package is enabled or disabled. The server does not load disabled packages at server initialization and you cannot access elements that reside in disabled packages.
Package description. A brief description of the package.
Version information. Package version and build number. Also included is the JVM version under which the package was published.
Patches applied. A list of patches that have been applied to the package. These are names or numbers that are meaningful to your installation, possibly obtained from your problem tracking system.
Package dependencies, if any, for the package. For a specific package, the developer can identify other packages that the server should load before it loads the elements in a particular package. In other words, the developer can identify when one package depends on another. For information, see
Displaying Information about a
Package and
webMethods Service Development Help.
Target package name. Name of the package.
Publishing server. The
Integration Server that published the package. If the package has not been published, this field contains None.
The manifest for a package is in the manifest.v3 file in the top directory for the package.