Granting a Role the Ability to Access an ActiveTransfer Server Instance
Users can connect to multiple ActiveTransfer Servers in My webMethods. On every My webMethods page that requires access to ActiveTransfer data, users can select the ActiveTransfer Server instance on which they would like to perform the requested action. You grant this access to a role by adding the role to the list of allowed roles for an ActiveTransfer Server instance.
To grant a role the ability to access an
ActiveTransfer Server instance
1. In My webMethods: Administration > My webMethods > System Settings > ActiveTransfer Instances.
2. Click the Permissions icon for the ActiveTransfer Server instance you want to work with.
3. In the Select Roles dialog box, type text that exists in the names of the roles you want, and then click Search.
4. Move the roles to which you want to grant access from the Available list to the Selected list.
5. Click Apply.