Viewing Connections to the Enterprise Gateway Registration Port
You can view a list of the Internal Server connections for a single Enterprise Gateway registration port.
To view the connections to an
Enterprise Gateway registration port
1. Open the Integration Server Administrator on the Integration Server acting as the Enterprise Gateway Server.
2. In the Navigation panel of the screen, on the Security menu, click Ports.
3. On the Security > Ports screen, click the port number of an Enterprise Gateway registration port.
4. On the Security > Ports > View Enterprise Gateway Server Details screen, click Display Connections to Enterprise Gateway Registration Port.
Integration Server Administrator displays the Security > Ports > Enterprise Gateway Registration Port Connections screen. The Enterprise Gateway Registration Port Connections: portNumber table lists the Internal Server connections to the Enterprise Gateway registration port at the specified portNumber. For each connection Integration Server Administrator displays the following information:
Field | Description |
Host | IP address of the Internal Server connected to the Enterprise Gateway registration port. |
Port | The local port number of the socket created for the remote Internal Server connection. |
Connected (Number of Connections) | Indicates whether or not the Internal Server is connected to the Enterprise Gateway registration port. |