Delivery Type | Description |
Immediate delivery | Delivers the document directly to the receiving partner. Trading Networks tries to deliver the document only once unless you use reliable delivery to make repeated attempts. |
Scheduled delivery | Places the document in a queue you define and delivers the document to the receiving partner at scheduled times. You use scheduled delivery when it is more efficient to deliver a batch of documents than to deliver each document as it arrives. For example, if you want to deliver documents through FTP, you might use scheduled delivery so you can open a connection, deliver the batch of documents, and then close the connection, rather than use immediate delivery, which requires you to open and close a connection for each document. Trading Networks tries to deliver the document only once unless you use reliable delivery to make repeated attempts. |
Receiver's Preferred Protocol | A preferred protocol for receiving documents is set up when a partner profile is created. |
Queue for polling | Places the document in the Trading Networks-provided queue. When a partner polls for documents, Trading Networks delivers all documents in the queue for which the partner is the receiver. Queue for polling is the default delivery method. If you do not set up immediate or scheduled delivery for a partner, Trading Networks uses queue for polling for that partner. |